2017 Goals

As we head into 2017, more schools than ever are looking to incorporate blended learning into their classrooms. Blended learning is the practice of combining traditional teaching methods with technology. Of course, the big question becomes: Why is this type of teaching growing in popularity each year?

Individualized Attention

By taking advantage of technology, teachers are quickly able to identify what concepts students need additional assistance with. Some online programs create easy-to-read reports that highlight what lessons students have mastered, and which they are still struggling with. While most of the class continues through the digital curriculum, teachers can rotate through small groups of students. As many class sizes grow larger, this creates an important time-saving measure to quickly narrow down on what students need help with, and allows teachers to provide each student with individualized attention.

Varied Methods of Learning

As any teacher can tell you, different students learn best in different ways. Some learn through example, others need an explanation that builds on itself piece by piece, some require visuals, and others learn best through repetition. By incorporating technology into their curriculum, teachers are able to supplement their lessons and teaching style with others, such as games, models, and animated visuals. This allows every student to learn in whatever way is most effective.

Specific Feedback

It can sometimes be difficult to judge if all students are understanding material in a classroom that uses solely traditional teaching methods. With digital learning, students typically receive immediate feedback whenever they enter an answer. More advanced technology can even check for common mistakes and tell students exactly where they went wrong and how to correct their errors. By immediately correcting misconceptions and getting students back on the right track, technology allows teachers to spend more time moving forward instead of backtracking when they realize their students misunderstood a concept.

Learning at a Different Pace

One of the challenges of teaching an entire classroom is that teachers can only go at one pace – it may be too slow for some students, but too fast for others. By switching between traditional and digital methods of teaching, teachers can provide faster learners with additional projects and a more advanced curriculum, while students who need a little more time to master a concept can have the extra practice they need.

Keep Learning Fun!

Perhaps most importantly, by varying teaching styles between traditional methods and technology, teachers can keep their students engaged and interested in learning. Technology often allows students to track their own progress, rewards them for correct answers, and incorporates games and interactive learning. In an environment where students often become bored and fatigued by learning, this keeps learning fun and exciting.

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To learn more about how Wowzers can help teachers create a blended learning environment, contact our team or try a free trial

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